I had been hanging on to the concept for this piece for quite a few years before I felt free enough to put pen to paper and create it. Pictured is an interpretation of the Lady Justice statue wearing a white klan hood to represent the disproporitonate incarceration rate and sentence severity of black Americans when compared to white counterparts who commit similar crimes. The AR-15 she holds is meant to symbolize the attitude of black unrest compared to vigilante justice. The scales hold a noose on one side, and money on the other. The noose clearly symbolizes the vigilante justice and lynching practices that were used in post-slavery America until as late as 1981. The money symbolizes the modern method of suppressing non-whites by limiting opportunities to accumulate generational wealth through systemic discirminatory policies.
This pieces is drawn on 10 x 14 Arches 100% cotton drawing paper in black ink.
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D. Thadd Art.
Original Art Work, Commissioned Art Work, and Fine Art Prints
I sell framed works, prints, and stickers of my creations. Pop-art style portraits of iconic figures - musicians, cultural icons, and historical figures - as well as fine art watercolor paintings and pen and ink drawings. All of my work uses a vibrant and unique color palette.
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